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PhD, Neuroscience

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TEACHING: My professional ambition is to become a mentor for the next generation of scientists. I strive to create intellectually challenging courses presented in a way that helps build students’ confidence in their academic ability.  I believe that a contemporary psychology/neuroscience major curriculum must include training in programming. Learning programing is a fantastic way of learning how to problem solve. To write a successful program, one must first critically appraise the problem at hand and then break it down into its component pieces. Thus, teaching programming is an avenue through which we can teach students how to learn.

RESEARCH: I am interested in understanding how we engage neural systems to promote adaptive behavior and suppress inappropriate but preponderant responses. Because loss of behavioral control is a hallmark of psychiatric disorders, including substance-use and mood disorders, it is crucial that we develop a complete understanding of the brain regions subserving cognitive control. 

I am particularly interested in neurophysiology and employ neuromodulation methods to answer my questions of interest. 

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Image by Robina Weermeijer
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